
Our operations are guided by integrity. Our teams maintain a meticulous and honest work ethic to provide the best, reliable services to our hard working customers.


We prioritize continuous learning and innovation through the development of novel technologies, rigorous experimentation and evaluation, and human-centered design. We embrace failing fast and adapting to continue testing new methods and improving our solutions. Our true fear lies in missing out on valuable learning opportunities.

Customer Centricity

Customers are the driving force behind everything we do . We are proud of the strong relationship we have built with our customers. This is made possible by the efforts of our dedicated Customer Operations (COps) Team who works with our customers around the clock. The COps Team is in communities on a daily basis speaking with customers face-to-face as well as managing our hotlines to communicate remotely and respond to inquiries. Our work is rooted in unwavering respect for the community members we serve.


We create exceptional outcomes. Our teams work tirelessly to deliver solutions that meet the highest quality standards because we believe that everyone deserves excellent energy services.


We value each other as individuals and as a team. Effective communication is key: we celebrate successes and take proactive steps to address areas of improvement, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned. 

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